Promotional Video Making

Promotional videos are one of the top forms of online mass communication that you can benefit from using. Fortunately, with the ubiquity of the Internet these days, promotional videos are easier than ever to create and distribute! All businesses, small and large, are jumping on board to get their start with online video – consumers demand it!

Step 1: Strategic Planning:

Identifying purpose and strategic goals to the story.
You’ll want to consider the goals of your video: create a creative brief, and story outline; consider the goals, genre, and audience of your video; work out a script, story board, and budget.

Step 2: Pre-Production:

Planning the technical aspects to creating and filming the video.
Once you’ve determined your strategic goals, it’s time to flesh out how you’re going to achieve them and develop a concrete plan for how to produce the video from a technical standpoint.

Step 3: Production:

Shooting your Promotional Video.
Now that you’ve got a plan, it’s time to put it into action. Here’s where you actually visit the location with your crew, get your interview subjects ready, setup the camera, lights and audio equipment and film your promotional video.

Step 4: Post-Production:

Editing your Promotional Video.
Now that you’ve shot the video, it’s time to import the clips, edit them together with editing app, add music and graphics and fine-tuning the visuals and sound.

Step 5: Distribution & Marketing:

Distributing and sharing your Promotional Video.
Once you’ve got your video nice and polished through editing, you’ll need to distribute and promote the video through the media, search-engine optimization (SEO), and sharing.

These are the five broad stages that professional video marketers use. One key difference to note here is that non-professional video producers tend to only focus on steps 2-4, the production stages, to the neglect of steps 1 and 5. Professional video marketers, on the other hand, spend time planning the grander vision in step 1, and then implement that vision in step 5, the distribution phase. In my experience, all 5 step are critical when creating and implementing your promotional video for it to achieve the highest possible level of success.